When Leo co- sleeps with us!

Baby co- sleeping

Did you have a good night sleep tonight? I wish mine could have been better. Usually I do get some good sleep and feeling rested. But sometimes like tonight, it happens that Leo sleeps in intervals. It’s very frustrating when this happens, especially when i´m in my deepest snooze, while dreaming about being able to sleep for a thousand years more. Every time our little one co-sleeps with us and is awake, he first begins making sounds and pulling us to attract our attention.

The more we try to ignore him making those sounds and act as if we are asleep, the higher he hits those notes. And finally we just give up. He wins! And as soon as he sees that one of us is wake. He starts demanding to get entertained that is; playtime, feeding time, more playtime, singing and so on... So there is night that gets pretty terrible uncomfortable.

Today I came across these hilarious pictures of what it´s likes to co-sleep with your baby. William and I just couldn’t keep from laughing. We got a good laugh out of them because most of them are so true.  Leo´s sleeping position is often “H is for hell”,” the stalker” and “jazz hand”. The stalker looks just like Leo tonight; yeah he stalked us for some good hours. But we wouldn't change it for anything; he´s only little for such a short period. I know someday I'll miss these restless (and sometimes very uncomfortable) nights.

How about you mamas, what are your baby/toddler sleeping positions?

2 kommentarer:

  1. I must say that I remember these sleepless nights and awful seep positions. I would wake up in the morning and wonder why my back and neck felt like i had been hit by a bus. Then I would look over at the adorable little person next to me and say “he did it again”.

    1. Yes, this is something I think every parent will recognize. The best part is that the pictures describe it so well. I hope you have recovered from injuries. How old are yor loved one? thnx for passing by.
